
Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday Forum: #1 Teacher

If you are new to our Friday Forum's we like to ask a question, 
and love for our readers to share their answer with us...

Who was your favorite teacher?????????

Jan:  I have had some great teachers throughout my life.  My favorite teacher would have to be my 1st Grade teacher, Mr. Averett.  He never made you feel dumb for not knowing the answer and always tried to take the time to teach you new ways to learn.  He took the time to play as well as teach.  During recess, he would come out and play kick ball or push us on the swings.  While teaching, Mr. Averett continued his education and got his law degree.  He now teaches at Brigham Young University in the Law Department.  Another fun fact about Mr. Averett is that he walks and rides his bike everywhere.  One day while playing outside with my girls he walked by our house and I got to introduce my girls to my favorite 1st Grade teacher!!!!!

Nancy:  I had a teacher who really changed my life. His name is David Grimsman, and he taught several of my high school seminary classes. (That's a class where high school students learn about the Scriptures).  I just remember that in his class I always felt like I was of great value. Worth is such a thing that teens struggle with, and his presence always made me feel that I was truly "enough". That meant so much to me because I didn't always feel that way in the eyes of my peers-- I had a complex about where I lived, and I just didn't think I was as smart or pretty as my friends. In Brother Grimsman's class however, I felt loved, respected and deeply valued. He saw people beyond their exterior. His belief in me gave me the confidence I needed. When I was in his class, I decided that I wanted to give other teens the gift Brother Grimsman gave me. When I graduated from College, I too became a seminary teacher because of his example.

Lauralee: There are those teacher's who really pushed me and were challenging. Then, there was those teachers who just "connected" with students and you looked forward to class each week. Well, I have to say that one of my favorite teachers did both. He was one of my professors at WSU, Professor Litchford. He greeted us everyday by strumming his guitar to lyrics he made up of that day's lesson. He was a retired businessman who had a passion for teaching and life.

Maren: Definitely Mrs. Bayless. She was so awesome. I used to write crazy long (read boring) stories and she always said how creative I was. She truly loved her students and I felt that. Sadly, she died of cancer soon after our class was done but I will always remember her and her passion for teaching.

Tell us about your favorite teacher..........

Thursday, March 28, 2013

All Star Teacher 3D Basketball Door

My assignment for teacher appreciation week was to decorate my daughter's teacher's door.  Actually my husband is the brains and the designer behind this one...

When I told my husband about my assignment to decorate a door for our daughter's teacher's classroom, he became quite excited :). That wasn't the reaction that I was expecting, but I was definitely pleased! The "All Star" teacher/ sports theme was 'right up his alley!!

This was one of those projects that I didn't have to think a much about, and it brought out one of my favorite sides of my husband <3... which is always great.

 This is what he did... just in case you ever want to know :).

He spray painted a hula hoop and 2 dowels red. Then he attached it to the door with lots of tape, and added the dowels for support.

Then he found a shirt of mine, and traced it for the jersey.

My touch to this project was using book pages, since this is for a teacher....
My husband however, tore the pages out of the book and water colored them orange for basketballs!

 A Few more details we added:

 1. Traced circles on to the orange water colored book pages. Then we made basketball markings on them, and wrote the names of all the kids in the class.

2. Cut pages out of the same old book.

3. Cut out letters from the school dye cut machine and glued them on the right places.

My daughter and Mrs. Stapel were both pleased :).

 I would love to know what kinds of things have you done to show the teachers in your life some appreciation! Please share!

~ Nancy

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Treats

We decided to make two little treats for each of the teachers and staff to say THANK YOU!!!

Here is what we came up with.........

3 Cheers for our Teachers and Staff

Our Teachers and Stuff deserve Gold Medals!
I mentioned in Monday's Post that my friend Wendy and I had to do a couple of doors at the last minute. These ideas are great but we didn't have the time to add extra touches to it!
Sorry about the pictures.  The light in the school is not great for pictures.

Lunch Ladies: No one serves like you.
You are a Champ
You deserve gold
We scored a "Home Run" with you!
Thank a teacher today!!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Door

This year's theme, as mentioned by Jan, was All-Star Teachers. I was really excited that my assigned door was one of my son's teachers. On a side note, I had the same teacher when I was in elementary school, and she just so happens to be related to us (so this was extra cool)!

Anyhow, this is what we came up with:

Thank you to all those hardworking teachers out there!


Monday, March 25, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Week: All- Star Teachers

Welcome to this week's series of
Teacher Appreciation Week!!!

I had the fun opportunity this week to help with my girls school's Teacher Appreciation Week and asked some of the ladies at Potluck on the Porch to help.  I  helped decorate the teacher's lounge, halls, and ended up decorating a couple of doors at the last minute. (like the last 30 minutes of set up time)

The committee decided to set our theme around "All-Star Teachers and Staff" with a sports theme.  Here are the decorations we made:

Here is a great tutorial. We actually used paper napkins and it works great!!!!

This table is for the food we serve each day during Teacher Appreciation Week!

Each day we made up a fun name for the food we will be serving.
Monday: Breakfast of Champions: Muffins, Bagels and fruit
Tuesday: Concession Stand Snacks: Nachos and cheese, popcorn and other fun snacks
Wednesday: Tailgate Party: Crackers, meat and cheese trays, veggie trays and other party snacks
Thursday: Pep Rally Picnic: BBQ chicken sandwiches, chips, salads and drinks
Friday: "Time-Out" for Treats: Desserts

Table Decorations
For instructions click read more.... just below the pin it button.

Linking to: Uncommon Design

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Potlucks on the Porch Etsy Shop Grand Opening!!

We are so excited to announce the opening of our ETSY SHOP!! We've been hard at work and are excited to show you
some of the frames we make... well actually, my husband, Mike, and his friend, Jerem {who have joined us in this Etsy shop} do the makingWe Potlucks on the Porch ladies sell, design, and  help reclaim old wood... Without further ado, introducing...


The extremely awesome part about these frames is that you can choose the color and finish. Wait till you see the amazing and beautiful possibilities!!

 With the purchase of a frame, here are the choices of color:

With the purchase of an "antique" or beadboard frame (a.k.a. the Devon, Nantucket, Kennebunkport, or Antique frames below), you may choose an antiqued, distressed or weatherworn finish.

To further explain:
Antiqued- {as seen in the colors above}. This involves painting  the frame and sanding spots of it. Then an antiquing agent is applied to give it a "worn" look.

Distressed: The base paint coat is dark, then the color of  choice is painted over the top. This leaves the base to show through.

 Weatherworn: This involves a combination of crackling, dry brushing, and sanding.

With the purchase of a frame from the "barnwood" section of our shop, you may choose a rustic, antiqued, or distressed finish.

 Rustic: a process of painting and sanding to mimic those old awesome painted barns.
Antiqued & Distressed = see above :).

Here's a closer look at some of the frames we are selling right now...

Head on over to our ETSY SHOP and have a look!! Watch for some deals in the coming weeks for these frames!

Thanks for stopping by!

P.S.If any of you have advice about selling on Etsy,  please let us know in the comments!!!

36 Fun and Meaningful Easter Celebration Ideas

The other day, my sister told me that  she would LOVE it if I would post  a list of  meaningful ways to celebrate the true meaning of Easter.  I couldn't let go of the here it is.

I LOVE the yummy chocolate that comes out at this time of year.
 I love the bunny and chickie crafts, I love coloring eggs. I love Easter egg hunts, and Easter dresses. The candy is great too, and so are the beautiful Easter baskets.

 I don't think this fun stuff is totally separate from the amazing true meaning of Easter. Actually, the fun aspects of Easter can be symbolic teaching tools to help our children  (and ourselves) understand the  most wonderful meaning of Easter....

Eggs symbolize life. 

Last year, the robbins in my backyard left the eggs in the picture above= one of the greatest Easter gifts I've ever received!

While decorating Easter eggs, talk  about all of the kinds of animals that hatch out of eggs. Here are some fun egg activities...

1. Easter Egg Garland by Crafty Endeavors
2. Easter Egg Cupcake with Yolk Centers by The Cupcake Project
3.You've been Egged by Eighteen25
4. Felt Egg Holder and Finger Puppet by While Wearing Heels

5. Rice Krispie Easter Eggs via The Kitchn
6. The Nest Egg by Very Heatherly
7. Easter Egg Bunny Cups by BHG
8.Homemade Cadbury Creme Eggs by The Instructables

9. Read The Egg Tree by Katherine Milhous. This book's pictures are an exquisite Pennsylvanian Dutch style and won the Caldecott Medal in 1951. I fell in love the first time I read it. One day I will frame all the pictures for Easter decorations. I love the illustrations THAT MUCH!

Children's Books and Reviews said this about The Egg Tree:
 "In addition to being attractive, this picture book is developmentally valuable for children in several ways.  First, the book provides an educational view into the traditional culture of the Pennsylvania Dutch.  As one reads, one absorbs the slow simple pace of rural life.  In this story the Easter Rabbit is not a fictional creature, but rather a real rabbit that eats flower petals in the beautiful springtime garden.  Moreover, the children do not hunt for plastic or chocolate eggs, but for real hard-boiled eggs, which they proceed to eat for breakfast.  Here, then, is a refreshing break from the commercialism of contemporary Easter.  One review on worries that the simplicity of the traditions might seem “a tad dull” to the modern child.  However, I think the story and illustrations are enough to hold young children, and it is just plain good for this simpler, slower life to seep into the soul of the hurried modern child."

Bunnies and Chicks Remind us that Jesus created the earth. That's a Truth that we can remind ourselves and our children as they are enjoying all of the cute little animal festivities. Here are a few of the many fun creations:

10. Bunny Tails Printable by Live Laugh Rowe
11. Bunny Tail Cookie via Tumblr
12. Good n' Plenty Bunny Cookies Tutorial by Six in the Suburbs
13. Chick & Bunny Garland via Parents
14. Peeps on a Stick by Your Home Based Mom
15. Yarn Bunnies by Crafts n' Coffee

Nature reminds us of the Resurrection. Just as Jesus died, and came back to life... so do the flowers, and so will we. This is something to think about and teach our children.
16. Flowers and Veggie display via BHG
17. How to grow Easter Grass (or wheat grass) by Make and Takes
18. Easter Branch Bouquet by BHG

A few more nature ideas:
19. Take a walk and take pictures of, or collect things that died during the winter and are now coming back alive in the Spring.
20. Go visit a farm with some baby animals, and talk about the joy of life and all the creations we have.
21. Give everyone an empty Easter Egg and let them find something that they love about nature to put in the egg. Later have a show and tell.

Here are some creative ways to teach families about the true Easter story:

22. Easter Story Cookies {from the Bible} by Eat at Home
23. Telling the Story of Easter with Jelly Beans by Being LDS
24. Names of Jesus Easter Garland by The Homespun Heart
25. Tips for Hosting a Kid Friendly Passover by Red Tricycle
26. Easter {Resurrection} Breakfast Rolls via Amelia's Cookbook
27. Easter Story Finger Play from the Friend via Sugardoodle

**31. For adults, THIS  Easter study packet from the Bible is an amazing resource made by Shannon a.k.a The Red Headed Hostess. She is an incredible teacher and student of the scriptures. I guarantee that THIS  packet will enhance Easter for you and your family. Here's a little sneak peek... Make sure to check it out. You'll love it.

32. New Easter clothes teach that it's important to Jesus that we wear our Sunday best to church as we worship, and learn about Him.


 Here are some of our own "Potlucks on the Porch" Easter celebration ideas that can be both fun and meaningful...

 As we embark on this week before Easter, I hope it is fun and meaningful for you and your family. 

How do you combine the fun and the true meaning of Easter?


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Best Ever Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cookies!

Do I promise too much in giving this cookie an eight word name? I think not. From the first bite I knew they were worth every syllable. If you are into chocolate and peanut buttery delight, you've got to give this recipe a try.

To Make:
In a medium bowl whisk  2 1/2 C. flour, 1/3 C. cocoa powder, 1 tsp. baking soda and 1/2 t. salt.
In a large bowl beat 1 C. butter, 3/4 C. sugar, 3/4 C. brown sugar and 1 tsp. vanilla until smooth. Add two eggs beating well after each addition.
 Coarsely chop 20 Reese's peanut butter cups. Gradually add in flour mixture and stir until mixed. Fold in 1 C. semi-sweet chocolate chips and the chopped peanut butter cups. Drop by teaspoon onto ungreased cookie sheet and cook for 8-10 mins at 375.

Dive into decadence!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Our "Lucky" Winner

Thank you to all that participated in our "Pot of Gold" giveaway! We are happy to announce our winner:

Thanks you all for your support and comments!
-The ladies from Potlucks on the Porch

Monday, March 18, 2013

Napkin Rings

Are you hosting a party????
Here is a great way to add some color,
decorate with your theme, and have a place for your utensils!!!
Bridal Shower Napkin Ring

Ribbon tied around napkin with a plastic ring attached.
Birthday Party Napkin Ring
Curling ribbon around your napkin
Soccer or Sport Theme Napkin Ring
Ribbon tied around your napkin
Baby Shower Napkin Ring
Feet stamped on paper and layered with paper.
 Use a strip of paper to make a ring around napkin and glue square to the strip of paper
4th of July BBQ Napkin Ring
Wrap wire garland around a napkin
 Fire Cracker BBQ Napkin Ring
If you don't want to add utensils, just add a paper cut out that will match your theme.
Princess Party Napkin Ring
Use a sticker
Santa or Christmas Party Napkin Ring
Squares cut in silver and black,
Use a strip of black paper to make a ring around the napkin and glue the squares to ring
Snow Flake or Winter Party Napkin Ring
Snowflake die cut, cut two small holes and attach with ribbon.
 Other Ideas:
      Graduation Party Napkin Ring- Black napkin and yellow tassle
      Valentines Party Napkin Ring- Red or pink napkin with hearts
      St. Patricks Party Napkin Ring- Green napkin with gold circle
      Easter Party Napkin Ring- Pastel color napkin with paper egg
      Halloween Party Napkin Ring - Orange napkin with orange and black ribbon and a spider ring
      Spring Party Napkin Ring- Pastel color napkin with flower die cut
           Don't forget to sign up for our 
and stay tuned tomorrow when the winner is announced!!!!