
Friday, October 26, 2012

Book Review

Since we at Potlucks on the Porch enjoy reading, our blog would not be complete without a monthly Book Review post.  On the 4th Friday of each month we will share our...

Couldn't put it down, Couldn't get through it or Could of done without it book.  

We look forward to hearing from you on what books you could or couldn't do without. 

Jan: I love to read books about real people and their personal journeys through life.  "Running with Angels" was such an inspiring book to me.  She tells her story of becoming a mother and the tragedies she faced with losing two children and having two other children with autoimmune diseases.  She shares her struggles and triumphs as she overcomes obesity as she begins training for a marathon and it all begins with a simple ten minute walk.  Whether you are looking for a book to help you on your health journey, coping with loss or to help you reach a specific goal this is a book to inspire you on your journey.

Jenn: We hope Jenn is enjoying a good book on the long airplane ride home from Brazil. We are glad she will be back with us soon!

Lauralee: This was a fun read that I picked up last month. If you go into it knowing that the author, Amy Chua, writes the book as somewhat of a self mocking memoir than you wont be as offended by some of her extreme parenting styles and opinions. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother is  about the authors "Chinese" style of parenting and how  Americans celebrate mediocrity  in our children. The book received many reviews both positive and negative. I thought it was an entertaining read. And at the end of day I may adopt some of her rigid "Tiger Mom" ideologies.


Maren:I'm reading an Agatha Christie right now which isn't a surprise. I usually have at least one or two in the house at all times. Thank you library! This one is called "The Crooked House." It's about a wealthy family whose grandfather has mysteriously died and all evidence points to his new young wife. The point of view is from a man who is in love with the granddaughter and must solve the mystery so they can marry. So far it's a goodie and keeps me turning the pages.

Nancy: I found a book that I can't live without. It's called The Food Nanny Rescues Dinner. For many years as a mom, I  struggled with figuring out what to make for dinner. At 4 or 5 every night I would panic and throw a really crummy dinner together. It was not fun, tasty, or pleasant for anyone. I needed help and started watching the "Food Nanny." She helped me come up with a system that my family loves. In this book,she explains her system.   It is so simple AND life changing. She also gives recipes which are tried and proven. My family likes every single recipe I've made from it. I originally checked the book out from the library, but now I know that I can't live without it, and ordered it from I very highly recommend it!

What are you reading?  COULD your book be the one for me, please share!



  1. I am reading several books right now. I just finished "Twitterpated" by Michelle Jacobson and it was really good. It's just a fun quick read.
    I am also ready "I thought it was Just Me (but it isn't) by Brene Brown. It is really good book but it has inspired me to work through a lot of shame issues in my life. I would highly recommened it.

    Thanks for the other ideas. Reading is my favorite thing to do. Karalee

  2. Thanks Karalee for your recommendations. My FABULOUS sister gave me the book "I thought it was Just Me (but it isn't) by Brene Brown. I am so excited to read it. Have a great day! Jan
