
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Chocolate Stroganoff

Christmas on the porch - day 8

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That's need to go back and see if you read that correctly! On our recent trip to Brazil, I discovered yet one more amazing way to eat chocolate. My husband's aunt made this for one of our family parties.She is a better chef than you can find at any restaurant (at least that's what my husband says and he's very particular when it comes to food).  This is a really fun and different dessert to serve at any party, and especially at Christmas time when we have given ourselves the week off of calorie counting! The best part about it, aside from it being so yummy, is how easy it is to make.


2 cans sweetened condensed milk
2 cans regular milk
6 egg yokes
6 Tablespoons of powdered chocolate such as Nesquick
1 Tablespoon butter
2  cans Nestle table cream
6 egg whites
3 or 4 different chocolate bars (i.e. milk, white & dark)


Combine sweetened condensed milk, milk, egg yokes, powdered chocolate and butter in a saucepan. Cook over medium high heat, stirring constantly. As soon as it starts to boil turn off the stove. Set aside until it has completely cooled.

Add the table cream and egg whites in with the chocolate sauce mix. Break or cut your chocolate bars into bite size squares and mix them in as well.

Spoon some of this heavenly chocolate stroganoff into a small bowl and enjoy as it all just melts perfectly in your mouth!
