
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

6 Summer Funtivities

So guess what? The official season of happiness is here this week. Is it too apparent how very much I love summer? It's almost painful how much I love it. It's like if I'm not outside soaking up every available ray of joyous sunshine somehow I'm turning my back on it and bidding winter to come back three months early.. So what do you do in the summertime? Here are some ideas I have:

1. Visit a splash pad. If you live in Utah, do a splash pad marathon and visit them all.

2. Eat yummy food. I know everyone is worrying about looking swimsuit ready but honestly there is just not enough summers in a lifetime to spend precious playtime energy worrying about body image issues. So I, Maren Elizabeth Costa do hereby grant you on this day in two thousand and thirteen, freedom from counting calories, weigh ins, all scales actually, and request your total enjoyment drinking life in to it's fullest and with that enjoying some terrific food. Here are some recipes to try. So call up those friends that you've been meaning to get together with, and enjoy some good food.

Sweet Lime Enchiladas

Paradise Punch Pie

Lemon Poppy Seed Cake

Thai Chicken Sundaes

3. Fix up your favorite beverage, take a blanket, a good book and stretch out on the lawn. Or your balcony if you're in an apartment. Ahhhh heaven.

4. Make a masterpiece in sidewalk chalk. I have to confess I have not done a lot of coloring in my adult life.
Image source
 But having a professional colorer by my side all day who demands to get her work down on concrete makes
it easy to get out. I've found there's something relaxing about mindless doodling in the warm sunshine.

5. Take a picnic up the canyon. Sometimes the heat can get a little much around July time so lose some degrees by increasing elevation.
Pack up any of the aforementioned foods, your frisbee, and enjoy the fabulous outdoors.

6. Do whatever the heck you want. I mean, it's summer! Anything is possible.



  1. Do you really grant me those calories, Maren? I'm taking them :)!!! Great ideas!

    1. I do indeed Nancy. And any extras you pick up along the way. Thank you!

  2. Yay for Summer! You just got me 5 times more excited about it and I didn't think that was possible. I do the same with the sun---As I'm working inside on the computer, I always feel this pull to get out and enjoy the rays. Which we're going to do together tomorrow wahoo!!! xo
