
Monday, June 3, 2013

Summer BBQ Pizza

Do you need something else to cook on the grill besides Hamburger and Hot Dogs for your summer party?  Try these simple Summer BBQ Pizza.  It's perfect for individualizing and only takes a few minutes to melt the cheese.

If you don't want to make your own dough, these work so great.
 We use are relish tray for tons of things besides just veggies, try putting your pizza topping in relish tray for easy pizza creating.  Check out this post to see more things we do with our relish tray. 

We learned it is best to put a piece of tin foil under your pita so it doesn't burn the bottom. Also make sure your grill is on low heat.  It really only takes a couple of minutes so keep your eyes on them. ( I would also suggest going a little lighter on the toppings to make sure the cheese melts and the bottom doesn't turns black.:)
Enjoy the Summer!!!

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