
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Twist to your Tin Foil Dinner

Turkey Tin Foil Dinner

Don't worry you don't have to wait for Thanksgiving Dinner to enjoy this fabulous Turkey Dinner.  A few months ago, my husband suggested that we try to eat more turkey burger and less hamburger.  So I found these great turkey burgers from Jennie-O. (make sure you use the green package those are the only ones I guarantee) This is a great dinner whether you are out camping or just need a quick meal for dinner.  And because it is Turkey it makes you feel like you are getting a little taste of Thanksgiving dinner.

Start out by steaming some veggies.  It makes the veggies softer then just cooking them raw in the oven.  On a piece of tin foil I put a little bit of cream of chicken soup and then place my turkey burger on top.  It gives the meal a little gravy taste and also helps the turkey burger from burning.  Add whatever spices you like.  Cut up onions and potatoes and surround turkey burger.  Cover turkey burger with steamed veggies.  Fold tin foil making sure all ingredients are covered.  Bake on a cookie sheet at 400 for 60 minutes or until potatoes are soft.  


  1. Jan that looks delicious. I think we need to have a little get together where we bring some of these amazing dishes (Laura, how about that 3 foot long dip from dieter's purgatory?) and sample them all!

  2. This looks delicous and with little cleanup as well. We have done these types of dinner we used chicken breasts and instead of cream of chicken soup we used a olive oil based dressing (like italian)to cover the chicken. It turned out great as well. I wonder if you could use turkey cutlets instead of the ground turkey patties? I think I will put tv dinners on the menu for next week.

  3. I meant tin foil dinners not tv dinners. lol
