
Monday, January 28, 2013

Ham and Pickle Roll-ups

These are from my husband's family cookbook. 
My first tip for you is to not make them when anyone
is around or you will never be able to fill a plate.  

Take one ham slice and dry on a napkin. 
Spread a generous amount of soften cream cheese on ham. 
Place a spear dill pickle on one end of the ham.
(You may have to cut the pickle in half if it is too big.  Also shake off excess juice on pickle). 
Roll up ham around pickle.  Cut into 1" segments. 
I promise you can't go wrong with these and you will score huge points with these.


  1. Oh my goodness, these rolls are my #1 favorite childhood memory. Here in Utah people look at me so strange when I explain them. We would always use corned beef instead of ham, though. And I've learned over the years that it works better to spread the cream cheese on the pickle and then wrap the meat around. The meat won't tear that way. And chill them before you cut them and the meat won't try to pull off. Yum!

  2. Thanks Michelle for those helpful tips. These are such a hit at all our family functions.
