
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

100 Fun Date Ideas: at Home or Go Out

We ALL know that life gets so busy. I heard this quote today: "If it's important to you, it will happen. If not, you'll come up with an excuse."
I thought about how many "important" things I make up excuses for {yes, FAR too many}.  One of those things, sadly, is having a weekly date night with my husband. I realized while compiling this list that my excuses really are inexcusable and I'm going to do better!!! There are many things that cost NO money and still make an awesome date night!! See for yourself...

{Use this list to generate ideas, or even as a list of all the dates you're going to go on in the next 2 years. Yes, some ideas sound totally stupid, but seriously, you'll have fun doing them!!!}

At Home Free Dates:
1. Candle light dinner in your house after the kids are in bed

2. Breakfast in bed

3. Watch the sunrise and make breakfast

4. Watch a movie in your back yard on your laptop or tablet (a mock drive in)

5. Make up a puppet show for your kids (or your nieces and nephews)

6. Play a midnight "one on one" football game

7. Rent an old movie or musical

8. Make a decadent dessert-- or any dessert together after the kids are in bed

9. Talk back and forth using the dictionary to find big words

10. Dictionary game- if you don't know a word then fake it, try to call the other person's bluff

11. Sky gaze- watch the stars or the clouds

12. Wash each others cars (then turn the hose on him)

13. Watch General Conference online together

14. Make a video for your posterity and post it on youtube (advice, funny, serious, whatever)

15. Learn to decorate cakes together

16. Play frisbee or frisbee football

17. Make old time taffy

18. Water balloon fight- or ambush someone (such as your kids with them)

19. Have a bubble gum blowing contest

20. Play poker with candy (or clothes--married people only :))

21. Listen to the other person's favorite songs. Add songs to ipods

22. Watch the other person's favorite movie

23. Plan a trip (even if you don't get to go for a few years- start dreaming and planning)

24. Put a puzzle together and talk

25. Play card or board games after the kids are in bed.

At Home Dates that may Cost a little or even a lot- it all depends:
26. Design and build a tree house or play house for your kids or future kids (will take several dates)

27. Paint a wall or reclaim an old chair, dresser, etc.

28. Make an art or craft project together (it may surprise you how fun this can be)

29. Put together model cars

30. Renovate or decorate a room in your house over a series of dates

Free or Cheap "Go Out" Dates
31. Rent or borrow a bicycle built for 2 and go for a ride

32. Hike to the top of a mountain top and leave a flag, revisit the spot later and see if the flag's still there

33. Each of you take a camera, go to a beautiful spot, take and compare pictures of nature

34. Bird watch

35. Climb trees

36. Go for a walk in a rain

37.Go for a walk and talk: Each of you make a list of 20 questions to ask each other

38. Go wading in a creek

39. Go fishing

40. Take a bus tour around your city and discover something you didn't know

41. Visit a rest home together- visit someone who is lonely

42. Pick wildflowers, then dry & press them. Then make book marks or cards

43. Go for a hike and picnic

44. Visit your city landmarks

45. Tubing- ride inner tubes down the river or snow

46. Go iceblocking

47. Taste test at local bakeries

48. Visit a planetarium or atrium

49. Take a walk through the canyon

50. Motorcycle ride

51. Bike ride

52. Play tennis

53. Frog or toad hunting

54. Visit a local lake or nature preserve

55. Explore a  cave

56. Learn to shoot at a shooting range

57. Museums  (there are probably several in your community)

58. Roller skating

59. Art Gallery

60. Visit your state capital building

61. Walk around a grave yard at dusk

62. Visit a genealogy library and look up your ancestors

63. Tour a farm or dairy

64. Visit a church or temple of another religion

65. Visit a church or temple or religious ceremony of your own religion

66. Swim

67. Hot tub

68. Go on a hayride

69. Tour a local mine

70. Visit a fish hatchery

71. Play pool

72. Act like tourists in your own city (discover something)

73. Window shop at both of your favorite stores

74. Hike to a waterfall

75. Go thrifting or antique hunting

76. Go people watching

77. Go to the next town and find something you didn't know existed (monument, store, restaurant, etc.)

"Go out Dates" that may Cost
78. Go to the Theater or play

79. Find a local train ride and go

80. Have dinner in the back of a pick up truck at a drive-in movie

81. Train for and run a 5K or "mud run" together

82. Play golf

83. Water ski or snow ski

84. Go to a local melodrama

85. Go for a canoe ride

86. Go kayaking for a evening

87. 4 wheeling (at the sand dunes if possible)

88. Horseback riding

89. Snowmobiling

90. Try a local ma and pop restaurant

91.  A tram ride at local ski resort

92. Parade of Homes

93. Snorkeling or scuba diving

94. River run

95. Symphony

96. Taste test and find the best hamburger, pizza, taco, or ice cream in your community

97. Go Christmas shopping (at ANY time of year)

98. Take the other person on a surprise date-- have babysitting all arranged

99. Learn to fly an airplane together

100. Shop at both of your favorite store and get something you WANT (not need)


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