
Monday, July 22, 2013

Teen Beach Movie Party

I have two girls that love to watch the Disney Channel and have been counting the days down to the

So at the last minute, I decided we might as well have a Beach Party and watch the show! We invited our cousins to come over and party with us. I am the kind of mom who either plans  for months for a party or we do it at the very last moment. (I blame my mom for that)  Here is our party!
Here is what we ate.....

Crab Sandwiches
 I got the idea from Be Different Act Normal
Here is how ours turned out.....

Pool Noodles:  Cheese Puffs
Beach Boats:  Deviled Eggs
Beach Cake
It was super fun to decorate a Beach cake.
Beach Party Mix
Gold Fish, Gummy Fish and Pool Noodles (Licorice)

Surf Up!!!


  1. Jan, you MOST DEFINITELY earn the super-awesome-mom award in my book. Savannah is going to think this is the coolest thing EVER!!! I'm going to have to see when the next re-run is and copy your ideas. Thanks for re-sparking my resolve to be a fun mom. I LOVE THIS!!!!!!

  2. Not only is Jan a super-awesome-mom, Jan is a super-awesome-aunt! The kids loved everything especailly the cake! Ellee said, "I should have her decorate my next birthday cake!" Thanks for all you do!
