
About Us

This blog was born one day as the five of us enjoyed a potluck lunch on the porch and watched our kids play. We love ideas that inspire us as women and moms. We started this blog to learn, share, and create beauty in our homes, and fun with our families.

Back left to right: Jan, Lauralee. Front left to right: Nancy, Jenn, Maren.


Jan met her husband while they were in high school, and married after a long friendship. They have three darling girls. Jan is constantly thinking up ways and doing activities to make life creative, fun, and meaningful for her family.  She is a spectacular cook, and always willing to share her delicious food. Whenever someone is in need, she is one always there cheerfully willing to help. She graduated from Snow College, is a very hard worker, always true to her word, loves to learn, and an incredibly great listener and conversationalist.


Jenn lived in Brazil for 18 months while serving a mission for the LDS church. She fell in love with the culture and the people, and even married a Brazilian (whom she met after her mission)! They have two beautiful little girls who are learning English and Portuguese. Jenn is excellent at sewing, and the love she has for pretty fabric shows in all of the projects she makes. Her mind is constantly coming up with many ideas and way to make things.  She's great at thrifting and crafting,  is very fun to be with, and has a selfless and giving personality.


Whenever anyone in the neighborhood has a question about how to decorate a room, or what color to paint a wall, or where to hang a certain frame, Lauralee is the first one everyone asks. She studied design and architecture at Weber State University, and just has the eye to know what looks good. Her taste in everything is impeccable.  She decided to serve and LDS mission, and took a class to prepare for it, but the teacher had other plans for her. He is now her husband of 11 years, and they have 2 extremely handsome boys. Martha Stewart could take lessons from her. Not only is she talented at all of this, she's an incredibly nice person too.


Anytime Maren is around, witty and hilarious comments abound. She can turn the driest conversation into a laugh fest, and can make something that seems too serious really funny. Even making zucchini bread is entertaining with Maren! She is the youngest of 15 children, and the mother of one adorable baby girl. She met her husband when they were both students at Brigham Young University. Her cooking is fabulous, and her style is chic. She's someone who everyone wants to be around.


Nancy studied Family Science and Human Development at Brigham Young University. She took an 18 month jaunt during that time to serve a mission in Lithuania. After graduating from BYU, she taught High School LDS seminary.  Her students set her up with her husband who fell in love with her because she likes to wear pony tails and can eat more than he can. She's the mother of 4, including twins. She loves creating and making things, traveling, reading, and being with her family and friends.

Learn a little more about us here!

We love to hear from our readers!! To get in touch with us, either leave a comment on any of our posts (we read every single comment) or email us at


  1. I know Nancy and love her!! Just like Nancy, the rest of your ladies look like someone I'd like to know and learn from. Thanks Nancy for the invite to your blog. I'm putting it on my list of blogs to follow!

  2. I know Maren and love her. She is sweet and friendly and smart and fun. I am so happy that I found her in this blog and I want to learn with you all beautiful ladies. Now you have a friend here in Brazil!!
