So, make these yourself or teach some teens or tween or even scouts (although, good luck with that :)) how to decorate them. Here's how I taught the girls...
What you'll need:
butter cream frosting (this recipe)
divide, leave some white, some purple, some pink with a touch of yellow
put the purple in a piping bag with a large tip such as Wilton 1M or 2D
put the pink/yellow in a piping back with Wilton #12 tip, or one with a medium size hole
White fondant
A bowl or lid (to cut out the ghosts)
A bowl or lid (to cut out the ghosts)
chocolate icing (just a little container from the store, or make it)
food writing markers, black, red (or red gel)
chocolate chips
gummy lifesavers
Tootsie Pops
Spider Rings
Halloween Sprinkles
Spread white frosting on the cupcake.
Put a chocolate chip in the middle of a gummy lifesaver and put it in the middle of the cupcake.
With a red food writer marker or red gel, draw lines for blood shot eyes.
Next, the brain...
With the pink/ yellow frosting pipe 2 zigzags in the middle, then do zigzags on the sides.
For the mummies...
Roll fondant into small strips and cut into pieces.
Spread chocolate frosting on the cupcake.
Put 2 M&M's on the cupcake as eyes.
Draw little dots on the "eyes" for pupils.
Put small strips of fondant around eyes to resemble a mummy.
Then make the spider swirls...
With the bag of purple frosting, pipe swirls on the cake. Here is a great explanation for swirling the icing on a cupcake.
Next, pour the sprinkles.
Then stick a spider ring in the middle.
Last, make the ghosts...
Swirl white frosting on a cupcake.
Then put a tootsie pop in the swirl.
Have someone roll out white fondant and cut with a bowl or lid to make ghosts the size you want.
Cover the tootsie pop with the fondant.
Draw eyes on the fondant ghost with black food writer marker.
There were lots of smiles all around with this activity...
Thanks for stopping by!!

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